How Does MedPay Work After a Nashville Car Accident?

How Does MedPay Work After a Nashville Car Accident?While Medical Payments (MedPay) coverage is not mandatory in Tennessee, it can be very beneficial to those who have it. In the aftermath of a car accident in Nashville, medical bills can rapidly accumulate, adding stress during recovery. MedPay, when added to your insurance policy, can ease this burden by covering expenses such as emergency room visits, hospital stays, and doctor appointments.

How does MedPay work?

MedPay covers medical and hospital expenses up to the policy limit, irrespective of fault. However, coverage is typically limited to necessary and reasonable medical bills, which can vary between insurance companies. MedPay can also be used to supplement health insurance by covering deductibles and co-pays.

What types of expenses are covered by MedPay?

MedPay only covers your medical-related expenses. Therefore, if you are involved in an accident and have MedPay, some of the expenses you can expect to be covered include:

  • Doctor appointments
  • Emergency room visits
  • Hospitalizations
  • Ambulance or emergency helicopter rides
  • Surgeries or procedures
  • Deductibles
  • Co-pays
  • X-rays, CT scans, and MRI tests
  • Funeral expenses

Who can use your MedPay coverage?

Your MedPay covers you (the policyholder), your family members who are on the policy, and passengers in your vehicle at the time of the accident. Therefore, even if someone else was driving your car at the time of the crash, they will be able to use your MedPay coverage as long as they are listed on your insurance policy. Passengers who are not on the policy may be covered by your MedPay insurance coverage.

Is MedPay worth it?

Yes, MedPay is worth it. While you may think that opting out of MedPay coverage will save you money right now, it can actually help you financially in the long run. The reason for this is because MedPay usually covers a large portion of your medical bills in the event of an accident. Therefore, since car crashes can happen to anyone at any time, resulting in severe and life-threatening injuries, you should choose to add this low-cost add-on to your insurance policy to prepare for any future accidents and injuries.

How much MedPay coverage is necessary?

Deciding how much MedPay coverage you need is a personal choice. However, the general idea is to add as much coverage as you can afford. This will ensure that you have plenty of coverage if an accident occurs. Most of the time, you will be given the choice to add between $1,000 and $10,000 of MedPay to your policy. If you have health insurance, you may not need as much MedPay coverage, but if you do not have health insurance, you may want to carry a higher amount to help you cover your medical expenses after being involved in a crash.

Keep in mind that once you use your MedPay coverage, you will need to cover the rest out of pocket or file a car accident claim. For example, if you need surgery for a brain injury that costs $15,000 and only have $5,000 in MedPay coverage, your insurance company may reimburse or cover your expenses up to $5,000. However, after that $5,000 is used, you will need to pursue other options to cover the rest.

How do I access my MedPay coverage?

If you are ready to access your MedPay coverage, you will either pay your medical bills ahead of time or let the doctor’s office or hospital know to send you a bill. Then, you will need to file a claim with your insurance company for reimbursement or payment. When you file this claim, you must gather and submit all necessary and supportive information, such as medical records, medical bills, receipts for out-of-pocket expenses, health insurance information, police and accident reports, and more.

Your insurance company will review this information and make a decision on whether to partially or fully cover or reimburse your medical expenses. They may ask for more information related to the car crash and your injuries, which you will need to provide. Throughout this process, an experienced car accident lawyer can assist with communication and ensure successful claim processing.

Will my insurance rates go up if I use MedPay?

Using MedPay does not result in increased insurance rates, as per legal regulations. Any unexplained rate hikes should be promptly addressed with the insurance company.

At Rocky McElhaney Law Firm, our Nashville car accident attorneys know and understand how overwhelming it can be to watch your medical bills accumulate. Therefore, if you hire our team, we will help you file a MedPay claim and if it is not enough to cover your expenses, we will also help you pursue a personal injury claim. Our goal is to protect your rights and fight for the maximum compensation you need and deserve to get your life back on track. Please call our office or complete our contact form to schedule a free case review to find out what legal options you may have today. We are located in Nashville, East Nashville, Hendersonville, Clarksville, and Murfreesboro for your convenience.