How Much Will an Ambulance Ride Cost Me After a Tennessee Car Accident?

How Much Will an Ambulance Ride Cost Me After a Tennessee Car Accident?After an auto accident in Tennessee, emergency medical services may be required to transport injured individuals to get the medical care they need. However, ambulance services can come at a cost that survivors cannot afford, adding more financial strain during an already challenging time.

Ambulance services offered in Tennessee

Tennessee offers a variety of ambulance services for patient transport needs, including:

  • Air ambulance services: Services that provide rapid transport for critical patients over long distances or from remote locations. Helicopter EMS (HEMS) is used for trauma patients or when time-sensitive medical care is needed. Fixed-wing air ambulance services are used for longer distances, including interstate or international transport.
  • Community paramedicine programs: Programs involving paramedics who provide healthcare services in the community, often for patients with chronic conditions, to reduce hospital admissions and emergency room visits.
  • Emergency medical services (EMS): EMS services respond to emergencies requiring highly-trained professionals. Their services include advanced life support (ALS) ambulances staffed by paramedics and equipped with advanced medical equipment to handle severe medical emergencies and basic life support (BLS) ambulances staffed by Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and equipped to provide basic medical care and transport.
  • Emergency medical services (EMS): EMS services respond to emergencies requiring highly-trained professionals. Their services include advanced life support (ALS) ambulances staffed by paramedics and equipped with advanced medical equipment to handle severe medical emergencies and basic life support (BLS) ambulances staffed by Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and equipped to provide basic medical care and transport.
  • Non-emergency medical transport (NEMT): NEMT services are used to transport patients who do not require immediate medical attention but need assistance due to their medical conditions. They include scheduled patient transport between healthcare facilities for treatments, procedures, or specialized care, and regular transport for patients undergoing dialysis treatment.

In Tennessee, ambulance services are regulated by the Tennessee Department of Health’s Office of Emergency Medical Services (OEMS). They ensure that all services meet specific standards for equipment, staffing, and operational procedures.

How much does an ambulance ride cost?

Tennessee ambulance rates vary by county. In May 2023, Hamilton County raised its ambulance rates for the first time since 2012 to account for the rise in fuel prices, medications, and increased demand for services. The rate for basic life support rose from $1,080 to $1,188. The price for advanced life support, in which the patient can receive an IV, oxygen, or an electrocardiogram (EKG), increased from $1,343 to $1,477. For advanced life support, including additional medications and potentially life-saving procedures, the cost went from $1,484 to $1,632. Per-mile ambulance service charges increased from $20 to $25.

Why are ambulance rides so expensive?

Ambulance services encounter significant costs due to various factors, such as:

  • Specialized equipment: Ambulances are equipped with a wide range of advanced medical equipment such as defibrillators, ventilators, cardiac monitors, and other life-saving devices. Regular maintenance and periodic upgrades of this equipment are necessary to ensure it meets current medical standards.
  • Trained personnel: Ambulance services employ highly trained personnel, including paramedics and EMTs, who require extensive education and continuous training. Maintaining a workforce that is available 24/7, including nights, weekends, and holidays, requires higher compensation and benefits.
  • Operational costs: Ambulances are high-mileage vehicles that consume a lot of fuel and require frequent maintenance. Comprehensive insurance coverage for the vehicle, equipment, and personnel adds to the operational costs. Medical supplies, including medications, bandages, and disposable equipment, need to be replenished regularly.
  • Regulatory compliance: Ambulance services must comply with strict state and federal regulations, which involve obtaining and maintaining licenses and certifications. Regular inspections, certifications, and adherence to health and safety standards are mandatory, contributing to operational expenses.

Will insurance pay for an ambulance ride?

If you are injured in an auto accident, your car insurance will pay for the ambulance if you have medical payments (MedPay) coverage or personal injury protection (PIP)—both are optional in Tennessee.

Health insurance will typically pay for medically necessary ambulance rides in Tennessee, but the coverage is based on the type of insurance and the reason for the transport. If the ambulance company is in-network with your insurance, the insurance will pay for most of the cost (after the deductible is met). If the ambulance service is out-of-network, there is a chance insurance will not cover the trip at all.

Some health plans will not cover non-emergency rides, or rides that don’t meet certain criteria. Some companies only cover transports done by a licensed ambulance service, while others require pre-authorization for coverage. TennCare will reimburse ambulance services at a      minimum of 67.5 percent of the federal Medicare program’s allowable charge for covered services.

If you do not have health insurance, you might be able to negotiate a reduction in the bill or spread out the payments via a payment plan. Some insurers offer supplemental coverage to pay the part of the bill that your insurance won’t cover.

Do I have to pay for an ambulance if I don’t ride in it? What if a bystander called on my behalf?

Ambulance companies might charge a fee just for responding to the call, even if you refuse treatment and aren’t the person who called. If this happens, you can attempt to dispute the bill or turn it over to your health insurance company for payment. If a bystander calls emergency medical services on your behalf, you will be billed for the services, not the person who called.

Were you severely injured in an auto accident in Tennessee and, as a result, incurred substantial medical bills, including ambulance charges? At Rocky McElhaney Law Firm, we’ve handled countless personal injury cases and know how to get your medical bills and other expenses paid. We know the ins and outs of getting you the compensation you need and deserve. Call us or complete our contact form to schedule a free consultation at one of our offices in Nashville, Hendersonville, Murfreesboro or Clarksville today.