The Difference a Doug Makes- Revolutionizing How Rocky Law Tells Our Client’s Stories
Back in January of this year, after utilizing Doug Rice’s supportive legal “tech talents” at trial, Rocky brought Doug on full-time and created an all-new role for him. Now, most injury law firms don’t have an in-house Trial Technology and Multi-Media Guru, but then again we’re not most law firms.
One of the things that sets Rocky Law Firm apart from the hundreds of other firms in Tennessee is our unified understanding of how technology and the legal field intertwine. There are no doubts technology is changing the way we do business for the better. Nowadays, dusty piles of yellowing paperwork are being converted into easily accessible digital files that take up no space and make no waste. Our attorneys can view courtroom transcripts in real-time on their iPads and recall important details of a testimony in seconds. When Rocky, Justin, Steve, Afsoon, Jeff, or Debbie need to stand up and tell the story of our clients’ injuries to a judge and jury, they can now use dynamic visual media presentations to recreate their stories with the realism, accuracy, and emotion that words just can’t express.
Like the defendant’s insurance company will be, within half an hour of a wreck, Doug and Rocky can be on the scene or at the hospital gathering video evidence, taking statements, pictures and capturing important details of a case that might otherwise be missed. Doug can shoot video testimonials of friends and family who have witnessed the traumatic effect a client’s injuries have had on their life. He can help Rocky and our other “gladiators” illustrate and animate important anatomical or medical facts as well as excerpts of doctors’ expert testimony. Doug will then shape and mold all these snippets together into a seamless, point-driven video that drives up the value of cases.
“To insurance companies, you’re just a number. When we can lift our clients’ stories beyond the black and white… when we can actually show what the day to day is like for a seriously injured person- the insurance company starts to sweat because they know they can’t keep treating them like one [a number].” says Rocky.
Doug’s all-encompassing role at Rocky McElhaney Law Firm includes using these well-honed technical skills in assisting the attorneys in presenting compelling cases, making demands, and shredding the opponents’ hopes of getting away with paying our clients as little as possible. But it doesn’t stop there. This one man show also provides support as a Paralegal, and helps out with legal research, marketing, computer programming. He is even helping Rocky McElhaney Law Firm transition to a paperless office.
For someone who has already assisted on 70 big trials over the course of his self-taught tech career, he’s no worse for the wear- he’s better than ever. With a passion and conviction for our clients that’s right on point with the rest of us here at Rocky Law Firm, former US Marine Corporal Rice says this of his experiences supporting our lawyers in the courtroom “Trying cases is like doing battle. The adrenalin flowing. Strategizing. Last minute decision making. Typically long hours. And the reward of victory for your client. Sounds cheesy but it’s a rush not many get to experience.”
We fight for you.