Your Neck in a Wreck: How Car Accidents Cause Long-Term Neck Trauma

Car accidents can cause severe neck injuries that may affect you for the rest of your life. The neck is one of the most delicate and fragile parts of the body. When involved in a car accident, your neck may move rapidly back and forth or end up in awkward positions, resulting in severe and lifelong neck injuries.

While you may initially feel fine and only have minor aches and soreness after a car accident, these symptoms can turn into chronic pain and permanent disabilities if you do not seek medical attention promptly.

What are the most common neck injuries that arise from car accidents?

Due to the sudden and forceful movements that occur in a car crash, neck injuries are very common. Here are five of the most common neck injuries that arise from car accidents:

  1. Cervical strain: A cervical strain, also known as whiplash, is a very common injury that damages the nerves and tissues within the neck. These injuries occur when the neck forcefully moves in a motion that is “like the cracking of a whip.” When a person is diagnosed with a cervical strain or whiplash, they may experience chronic pain, muscle weakness, numbness, tingling, and stiffness.
  2. Nerve injuries: When the neck becomes injured, the nerves may become swollen and inflamed, which can lead to a pinched nerve. A pinched nerve can cause severe pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the neck and other surrounding areas, such as the shoulders and arms. Depending how serious the crash was, the nerves can also become bruised, torn, or permanently severed.
  3. Neck sprain: A sprain usually occurs when the neck becomes overstretched or bends in awkward or abnormal ways in a car accident. If you have a neck sprain, the muscles and tissues within your neck may be swollen or even completely torn.
  4. Slipped or herniated cervical discs: When a disc slips or ruptures in the neck, it is referred to as a herniated cervical disc, which usually causes intense and excruciating pain. The discs in your neck help you move, turn, and bend your neck in different ways. Therefore, if a cervical disc slips or ruptures, you may be unable to perform these basic movements, which can have an impact on your life and daily routine.
  5. Neck fracture: A neck fracture occurs when the tiny bones within the neck become broken. These bones are meant to support your head and connect your neck and shoulders. Therefore, when one of the bones is broken, the nerves or spinal cord may become damaged, resulting in long-term complications such as paralysis.

How do car crashes cause neck injuries?

Several factors put car accident victims at risk of neck injuries:

  • The neck lacks protection: While other parts of the body are protected and held in place by a seat belt, the neck lacks this protection and can move freely during the crash.
  • The force and impact of an accident: The violent force of an accident can cause the neck to move or shake forcefully. Rear-end collisions often result in the neck jerking backwards and forward rapidly.
  • You may strike hard objects and debris during the accident: During a crash, you may hit your neck on hard objects inside the car, such as airbags, steering wheels, seats, or the dashboard. Debris can also cause bruising, bleeding, penetrating injuries, or fractures.

Symptoms of a neck injury after a Nashville collision

Symptoms of a neck injury can take hours or days to appear. After an accident, watch for:

  • Recurring neck pain
  • Soreness or tenderness
  • Muscle spasms or twitches
  • Stiffness
  • Pain in the shoulders or arms
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Inability to turn or move neck or head
  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Paralysis in the limbs
  • Trouble breathing
  • Tingling or numbness

What treatment options are available for a neck injury?

Depending on the type and severity of the neck injury, various treatment options are available:

  • Rest and relaxation: One of the first treatment options recommended by your doctor will most likely be rest and relaxation. This means that you should do minimal physical activity, take it easy, and allow your neck injury to heal.
  • Pain medication: Doctors may prescribe or recommend over the counter medications to reduce pain and swelling.
  • Physical therapy or occupational therapy: Physical therapy helps regain strength, mobility, and flexibility through specific exercises. Occupational therapy assists in adapting daily activities to accommodate the injury.
  • Neck brace: Wearing a neck brace can support the neck and limit movement, aiding the healing process.
  • Surgery: In severe cases, surgical procedures such as cervical spinal fusion or artificial disc replacement may be necessary.

Dealing with medical bills, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs can be overwhelming. A Nashville neck injury attorney from Rocky McElhaney Law Firm can help you seek the compensation you need and deserve to rebuild your life again. Call our office or submit our contact form to schedule your free case evaluation in Nashville, East Nashville, Hendersonville, Clarksville, and Murfreesboro today.