How We Save You Money Through Subrogation

No one thinks about the complicated nature of insurance companies until they have need of them, and when you have need of them, you have a thousand other things you need to deal with at the same time. When you are involved in a car accident, you are worrying about the damage done to your…

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What Information Do Settlement Demand Letters Contain?

What is Included in a Settlement Demand Package

When any type of accident occurs that causes injuries or the death of a loved one, our seasoned trial lawyers handle all phases of your claim, including investigating the claim, filing a formal complaint, conducting discovery (written and oral questions of everyone who has knowledge of the accident), and working with your doctors. We handle…

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How Long-Term Injuries Can Affect Your Career and Future Earnings

Many accidents result in long-term and permanent injuries that can affect every aspect of the victim’s life. For instance, they may experience severe impacts on their careers and future earnings. Some of those injured may have worked for many years to achieve professional success and job security, only to lose them because of someone else’s…

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How Social Media Can Impact Your Personal Injury Claim

Posting about your accident case on social media is generally a bad idea. It can significantly affect your personal injury claim in several critical ways: Admissions of fault or inconsistencies: Any statements you make about the accident, your injuries, or your recovery can be scrutinized. Inconsistent or offhand comments can be interpreted as admissions of…

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How Many Medical Opinions Should I Get After an Injury?

Car accidents happen way more than you could ever imagine. According to Nashville’s Police Data Dashboard, there were more than 10,000 car accidents between January and May of 2024, and close to 3,000 of them resulted in injuries. That many accident-related injuries in the Nashville area serve as a reminder of how important it is…

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How to Choose the Best Nashville Personal Injury Lawyer for You

When you’ve been injured because of someone else’s negligence, the idea of finding a personal injury attorney might feel overwhelming. It’s like navigating through uncharted territory with a lot at stake. However, there are key things to keep an eye out for to make sure you find the right attorney for your situation. While the…

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Can You Sue for Emotional Distress in Tennessee?

After being involved in an accident, you may realize that the consequences affect more than just your physical body and property. In fact, many accident victims suffer very serious bodily injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries or broken bones. However, they may soon start to develop mental or emotional distress, which can also severely impact…

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