Same Job Site, Different Companies: Is It a Work Comp Claim or Not?

Suffering an injury while on the job is undoubtedly stressful, but the complexity intensifies when the individual responsible works for a different company. Should you file a workers’ compensation claim or a third-party injury claim? Luckily, Rocky McElhaney Law Firm handles both types of injury cases, so we’re ready to help no matter what option…

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What Is Permanent Total Disability for Workers’ Compensation?

Permanent Total Disability for Workers’ Compensation

In Tennessee, there are different types of workers’ compensation disability benefits for those who have been injured on the job. Therefore, if you have been severely injured and do not think that you can return to work in the future, you may be wondering what qualifies as permanent total disability for workers’ compensation. When it…

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Nashville Athletes May Get Workers’ Compensation, Too

athlete workers comp

Not every job is a safe, boring routine. Not every job is safe, period. Occupational hazards are everywhere, in pretty much every field in some form or another. Certain jobs are especially prevalent with accident potential. This is why workers’ compensation exists. If you’re employed and get hurt on the job, you’re potentially eligible to…

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My Workers’ Compensation Case Did Not Settle at BRC. What’s Next?

Also known as an Alternative Dispute Resolution, a Benefit Review Conference (BRC) is a type of informal event designed to settle a workers’ compensation dispute. Such conferences can be requested by either party, i.e. the employee or employer/ insurance company, to dispute a workers’ compensation denial or approval, respectively. If you are a Nashville, TN…

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How Suspension Trauma Leads to Long-Term and Catastrophic Injuries

Suspension Harness Workplace Injury

There are certain jobs and careers that require workers to be suspended by harness and pulleys, such as: construction, landscaping, warehousing, painters, outdoor cable installers, electricians, and so forth. The first thing most of us think about when it comes to injuries to workers who work at a significant height is the injuries sustained from…

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