Can Using CBD Oils Stop Your Workers’ Compensation Payments?

In recent years, CBD has pervaded many aspects of health industry news, including medical journals and other online articles. Also known as Cannabidiol, CBD has been touted as a natural and safe alternative to treat various chronic pain and other health conditions. Although the buzz about CBD has led to millions of Americans ordering the…

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My Work Comp Doctor Released Me…Now What?

Nashville workers' compensation lawyers

One of the many questions that I get asked frequently by workers’ compensation clients is “what happens when (or now that) I am released by the doctor?” Navigate this post: What should my attorney do for me once I’m released at Maximum Medical Improvement? How do you find out if your impairment rating is correct?…

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Why Does Workers’ Compensation Law Suck So Bad in Tennessee?

This is a terrible topic to discuss, because we fought against these changes so hard for so long; we could just not get people to listen. Back in the 2013 legislative session, the Governor of Tennessee introduced a workers’ compensation reformation bill, which just totally gutted the system and screwed the Tennessee worker. I fought…

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Breaking Out of Pain Management Prison: Brave Client Shares His Struggles With Addiction After Life-Altering Work Injury

Let’s imagine you’ve been injured at work or maybe it was in a bad car wreck or motorcycle accident. In a workers’ compensation case, once you’ve reached that plateau of recovery called Maximum Medical Improvement you are often released on an “as needed” basis by your orthopaedic surgeon or neurosurgeon.  Sometimes injured workers don’t need…

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What are Interrogatories and How Am I Supposed to Answer Them?

Interrogatories- a legal instrument not to be taken lightly.  When you think interrogatories, think interrogation on paper.  Often served with your Complaint or shortly thereafter, they are a strategic set of questions designed to reveal more about the parties and facts involved in the case.  Once all the other parties involved in your case file…

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Is Your Employer In Compliance With Tennessee’s New OSHA Reporting Rules?

OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) is a part of the United States Department of Labor and created by Congress to assure safe and healthy working conditions by setting standards and guidelines and providing information, training and assistance to workers and employees. To help accomplish this goal, the organization affords workers protections under the law without the retaliation or discrimination…

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