A Win for the Injured in Tennessee

The Tennessee Civil Justice Act was made into a law in 2011 by Governor Haslam. It was a horrible law that served only to hurt the injured of Tennessee even more by placing damage caps on injury and medical malpractice lawsuits. The only people who benefited from the law were the people running the insurance…

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Is Your Employer In Compliance With Tennessee’s New OSHA Reporting Rules?

OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) is a part of the United States Department of Labor and created by Congress to assure safe and healthy working conditions by setting standards and guidelines and providing information, training and assistance to workers and employees. To help accomplish this goal, the organization affords workers protections under the law without the retaliation or discrimination…

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Can I Sue for Emotional Distress?

In most cases, emotional distress is usually only compensable if the incident that has caused your distress also caused you physical harm. However there are some cases as with child or adult sexual abuse and certain types of discrimination cases where the emotional damage is so extreme, physical harm is not required. Emotional distress may…

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What Your State Doesn't Know About Zip Lines Could Kill You

In Lexington, Kentucky, at the Red Mile Crawfish Festival an 11 year-old girl’s zip line snapped as soon as she took off from the platform, causing her to fall 20 feet.  While investigating the freighting scene, police discovered that the carabiner clip on her harness was broken. In Sevierville, Tennessee, after failing to properly attach…

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Stop, Look And Listen Before You Go Over An Unprotected Railroad Crossing

Tennessee residents are well aware that many unprotected railroad crossings exist across the state. With an extensive network of rail routes traversing urban areas as well as the countryside, the potential for auto/train collisions at these rail crossings is probably greater than you think. The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) is an agency of the U.S.…

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Wrongful Death Proceeds – Who gets the money?

Here at Rocky McElhaney Law Firm, we recently resolved two wrongful death claims.  Both were tragic stories, and the way the law directs us to divide up the money struck me as very interesting given that they both resolved around the same time.  One involved an 18 year-old young man and the other involved a…

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