
Nashville Multi-Car Accident Attorneys

Accident lawyers in Nashville, Hendersonville, Murfreesboro & Clarksville

Multiple-vehicle crashes involve more than two vehicles. This means multi-vehicle crashes often cause very severe injuries. The aftermath of a chain-reaction can be absolute chaos. There may be significant injuries and property damage to contend with.  Each of the parties involved may be pointing fingers at the other as the one who caused the accident in the first place. Most multi-crash accidents involved multiple plaintiffs and multiple defendants.

The Nashville auto accident attorneys of Rocky McElhaney Law Firm know what it takes to build a successful case when your future is on the line. We’ve dedicated our lives to protecting the rights of the injured, and we don’t back down when the going gets tough. Our clients in Nashville, Murfreesboro, Hendersonville, Clarksville, and throughout middle Tennessee know that we always have their backs. We want to help you, too, if you or your loved one was hurt in a horrific chain reaction car crash.

"When I was a teenager, Dad got hurt. Insurance company wouldn't pay. We lost our house. But, Dad got a lawyer and we got justice. That's the moment I decided to become an attorney. As a lawyer, I have dedicated my life to helping injury victims."

~ Rocky

What causes multi-car pileups?

An accident involving multiple cars is usually caused by the same things as a single-vehicle crash – it’s just that there are extenuating circumstances that involve other drivers.

At Rocky McElhaney Law Firm, we’ve helped countless people who have been hurt in a chain reaction car crash resulting from:

  • Bad weather. Poor visibility and slippery roads can cause chain-reaction accidents on interstate highways and local routes alike. Often drivers are following too closely, given the limited visibility, and the next thing they know they have smashed into the car ahead of them and pushed that car into the next car, and so on.
  • Heavy traffic. A multi-car pile-up is also more likely to occur in heavy traffic – especially if someone is speeding on the shoulder of the road or entering or exiting a road. All it takes is one car to smash into another car in bumper-to-bumper traffic, and the next thing you know, there are multiple cars involved.
  • Distracted driving. Texting behind the wheel, applying makeup in the rear-view mirror, shaving, and reaching for something out of reach – all of these things can distract the driver from focusing 100 percent of their attention on the road ahead and the other drivers.
  • Drowsy driving. Drivers who would never get behind the wheel when intoxicated somehow feel like it is acceptable to drive when they are dangerously groggy. Falling asleep at the wheel can cause as much damage as driving drunk.
  • Speeding. Speeding or driving too fast for the conditions and following too closely to other vehicles in an aggressive manner can end up causing a multi-vehicle pileup with tragic consequences.

Sometimes, a multi-car pileup can be caused by a driver trying to do the right thing, like swerving out of the way of another driver who just hit his or her brakes or trying to avoid debris on the road. Here in Tennessee, we see a lot of accidents caused each year by deer and by drivers who are trying to avoid hitting an animal that’s dashed into the road.

Multi-car crashes can also happen if a car broadsides or sideswipes another car causing one or both cars to spin out of control.

Many multi-car crashes involve trucks that jackknife, roll over, or spill debris all over the road.

What injuries do Nashville chain reaction accidents cause?

Any car accident can lead to an injury; an accident involving multiple cars can increase the severity of those injuries. Drivers and passengers involved in chain reaction car crashes could suffer:

  • Cracked skulls
  • Organ damage, including punctured lungs
  • Cuts, lacerations, and bruises
  • Hearing or vision loss

If the injuries are serious enough, they could necessitate the amputation of a limb, lead to partial, or full paralysis or cause permanent brain damage. In the most tragic of circumstances, a multi-car pile-up could lead to the loss of your loved one.

We demand compensation for all your medical bills; your lost income and benefits; all your pain and suffering; any scarring or disfigurement; and all other economic and personal damages permitted in Tennessee. We have an impressive record of settlements and verdicts – many for the insurance policy limits and some for millions of dollars.

How do you establish fault in multi-car pileup accidents in Nashville?

A chain-reaction accident has an inciting incident – one car crashed into another car, one car sideswiped two cars, or some other scenario occurred causing the front-end of one car to crash into the rear-end of another. When the dust clears and it is time to establish fault, attorneys and insurance companies use accident reconstructionist experts to help piece together the evidence and figure out what caused the accident to occur and who or what was at fault.

What are some of the unique issues involved with multi-car crashes in Nashville?

Every accident is different and has its own complexities that can be complicated by time of day, weather conditions, and countless other factors.

One common issue in multi-vehicle collisions is allocating fault. When there are several vehicles involved, it can be increasingly challenging to identify whose negligence started it all. What if driver A was speeding and not paying attention to how close he had come to the car in front of him (which we’ll call car B)? What if car B suddenly stopped, and driver A could not stop in time to prevent himself from crashing into car B? What if the driver of car B was so busy texting that she stepped on the gas instead of the brakes and pushed the car ahead of her into an intersection, where both cars were struck by oncoming traffic?

Tennessee uses a modified form of comparative fault – which means you might not be able to collect all of the compensation you’re entitled to have because you could be found partially at fault for the accident, especially if you were one of the middle cars.

Another common issue is whether the cases should be consolidated? When multiple vehicles collide, there are usually multiple victims and multiple defendants. If your case does not settle, a judge will have to decide whether each plaintiff’s case is heard separately or whether any cases are combined/consolidated.

This is when you need a skilled Nashville car crash lawyer from Rocky McElhaney Law Firm by your side. We can help you navigate the system, and we answer your questions along the way. We never stop fighting for your family or your future.

Do you have a multi-vehicle accident lawyer near me?

Rocky McElhaney Law Firm meets with injured drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and with the families of a loved one who died, at our main office, located in East Nashville at 615 Main St., B21. We have another Nashville office at 545 Mainstream Dr., #105.

We also discuss your claim at our offices in:

  • Hendersonville: 475 Saundersville Rd.
  • Clarksville: 2197 Madison Street, Suite 103

Our lawyers meet clients at other locations if they are immobile or in ill health.

All initial consultations are free. We handle multi-car crashes on a contingency fee basis. This means we only receive compensation if you receive compensation.

Contact our experienced auto accident attorney team today

Multi-car pileups can lead to permanent and devastating injuries. When they do, a dedicated Nashville multi-car accident attorney could be the difference between a full recovery and a lifetime of pain and suffering. We invite you to contact Rocky McElhaney Law Firm by filling out our contact form or calling 615-425-2500. With offices in Nashville, Murfreesboro, Hendersonville, and Clarksville, we’re always right where you need us when you need us the most.